Contribution to my Learning

Contribution to my Learning

Score: 5315/5317- 99/100


We encourage and uplift each other in our grad school work and lives. As I progress through the program, I continue to work with Stacie, Lola, and Lorena. Previously Lorena completed 5317 the semester before but took the time out of her busy schedule to answer any questions we had about the assignments. 

Key Contributions

Last semester we said that we would be better at completing our class assignments sooner than the due date. At the beginning of the semester, we did struggle with the first assignment to finish before the due date. After that, we accomplished finishing the projects before the due date. We may not have turned them in early, but they were completed. Our second goal was to promptly complete discussions or videos to allow our classmates time to respond to us. I met that goal because I posted my discussions promptly for my classmates and group members. We also set a goal to watch the before class and have an outline of what our post could be. Unfortunately, I could only watch some of the videos before class, but I did manage to post early so that my classmates could reply to my post.  The fourth goal was to improve APA citations; this is an ongoing goal because different professors request specific APA citations. There are many rules and guidelines for APA citations that we always double-check with each other and even doubt ourselves. Here is the link to our previous contribution to our learning to see the goals we set. 

Supporting Contributions

Stacie starts with the collaboration page, where we add information that we will constantly use throughout our courses. Information like zoom links to our classes, our group zoom link that Stacie provides us, links to our e-portfolios, and links to exemplar e-portfolios. I added the dates and times to our classes next to the zoom link. One’s mind can slip and mess up dates and times with our busy schedules and the holidays. All group members can easily access this document and view and confirm dates and times. I remind Stacie and Lola to post their discussion on Blackboard frequently so they won’t miss the deadline. 

My collaboration group with my assignments is Stacie at A sweet transformation with Mrs. Stacie, Lorena at, and Lola at

For the discussion collaboration posts, I collaborated with Anna at and Michael at I posted all my discussions on time for my group members and replied to them in a reasonable time. At first, I did not enjoy looking forward to this because it was something new that still needed to be done in other courses and seemed like an additional to-do list. I enjoyed learning about their innovation projects, even if they were unrelated to mine. Anna and Michael have great ideas that will bring change to their organization. 

Although I did meet many goals, I give myself a 99/100 because there is always room for improvement. We never stop learning; we know something new every day, especially with technology, because it is ever-evolving. 


I have accomplished many things in the courses. I know my strengths and weakness and will continue to grow both. APA citations are continuous work that changes, and I must ensure I keep up with the changes and the various formats to cite different citations. Lorena is graduating in less than two weeks, and I want to congratulate her and let her know that we are proud of her and can not wait to see the results in her classroom with blending learning in the reading classroom. Lola, Stacie, and I have two more classes to go, and I know we will get there because we have good communication between ourselves and our professors. We are willing to learn, take on new challenges, and embrace the experiences. 

Feedforward provided by peers on my publication rough draft.