COVA Reflection and Application

In 5302 Concepts of Technology, I realized I had choice, ownership, and voice through authentic assignments. I took this class in the summer with Dr. Bedard. I remember everyone in class feeling overwhelmed about the assignment, saying that the directions were too vague. My partners, Stacie, Lola, and I looked at many e-portfolios to find what we thought was the correct answer. One night the light bulb went off.

I said, “I think we are supposed to add things that will help us or others with a Growth Mindset.” Once I said that I felt that adding the resources and organizing them in a way that made sense to me on my e-portfolio. I enjoyed this course because we were challenged to step out of our comfort zone and create our versions of ourselves. Stacie introduced me to, and I created my first infographic and other visuals for my e-portfolio. 

Looking back, I could have reacted better to the freedom and responsibility to take ownership of my learning through an authentic project. I was very annoyed that I had to challenge myself to do something I had never done before. Due to my fixed mindset, it took a lot of work to get started on my e-portfolio.  Dr. Harapnuik said we could choose from WordPress, Google Slides, or Wix, but highly recommend WordPress. I decided on WordPress because of the professor’s recommendation, became even more frustrated because I could not figure things out, and my partners decided on Wix. It took many YouTube videos, google searches, reaching out to other classmates, and trial and error to figure it out. I would say I am now a WordPress expert. I was taught trial and error in school, which worked for me, so I decided to try that. 

It was difficult for me to take control of my voice and focus on my organization as the audience because I kept thinking that was not how my organization did things. I kept thinking of all the parameters and guidelines that were in place. To have a change, one starts with themselves and influences others to join.

I look forward to where teachers have the power to construct their classrooms in a significant learning environment with authentic opportunities. The administration is focused on scores, specifically math and reading scores. Therefore Social Studies was the only subject the administration was open for blended learning. As time went by and I incorporated blended learning activities, students enjoyed having a choice through station rotations. The administration admired how it worked, allowed it to continue, and encouraged other teachers to do the same.

My innovation plan is authentic because it was designed using the activities and the curriculum provided by my school district. These are the same activities I have used in the past, in different ways or a different order. I want to change the reading program within my school and district by blending learning with station rotation using the curriculum provided. 

COVA and Creating a Significant Learning Environment align with my learning philosophy because I believe in building on ideas based on their previous experiences and new learning. 

I think my perspective on learning and learning philosophy has widened and been defined during my time in the ADL program. I pick and choose from parts of different theories to create my learning philosophy. With the proper nurturing, students can excel in their learning. My students will have COVA through blended learning station rotations.  

Giving students the opportunity to choose how they learn and demonstrate what they learned gives them ownership over their learning. Through their work, we will see their passion for learning and make their learning more authentic. This allows for Creating a Significant Learning Environment that students will benefit from in the long run. 

Challenges I foresee are the rejections from administrators and the teachers that are unwilling to change or to try it. To prepare colleagues, I will use the implementation plan. 

I am adopting a Learner’s Mindset because I have accepted that I need to update my teaching style, but I have not made a complete 360 change in my classroom. I have not changed the learning environment because I work within the school district guidelines. I will keep working on implementing COVA+CSLE through my innovation plan


Harapnuik. (n.d.). Creating Significant Learning Environments. Retrieved January 28, 2023, from 

Harapnuik. (n.d.). COVA. Retrieved January 28, 2023, from 

Harapnuik, D., Thibodeaux, T., & Cummings, C. (2018). Cova ebook choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning (Ver. 0.9). Creative Commons License.

Horn, M. B., Staker, H., & Christensen, C. M. (2014). Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools (1st ed.). Jossey-Bass.

Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change. CreateSpace Independent.

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