Innovation Project Update

Every person in an organization is a leader; everyone shows leadership skills and talents. Only those in high-paid positions were considered leaders. After watching Everyday Leadership with Drew Dudley, I realized we could change the world. Unintentionally we create lollipop moments that inspire and motivate others.

I have done research that shows students are more engaged with blended learning. Blended learning allows students to learn at their own pace and involve differentiation in lessons. Students can learn through face-to-face teacher instruction, student-led instruction, online learning, and peer collaboration. Creating Significant Learning Environments (CSLE) for students to take control of their learning and giving students a choice, ownership, voice, and authentic learning experiences (COVA) in the classroom increases student engagement because students take control of their learning.

I have yet to implement my innovation project entirely, but I have applied parts of my innovation project. I have also used pieces of the ADL program in my classroom with my students. One thing I added to my classroom setting was the growth and grit mindset. I created posters in both Spanish and English for my students. This helped them transform their negative thoughts towards classwork or ability in learning into positive reinforcement.

Many sections of my innovation part were already taking place in my classroom, and I knew that certain things had to be to stay but needed to be updated. For example, I keep track of my students’ beginning of the year (BOY), middle of the year (MOY),  end of the year (EOY), and end of unit assessments (EOU) on a spreadsheet and would conference with students when these evaluations came up. What I do differently is that every student has a goal tracker that I have created on Google Slides. Students chart their scores and set goals for the following assessment. Students can access their goal tracker anytime, whether at school or home. Teacher-student conferences are essential to the innovation plan because students and teachers agree on what the students will work on in the next couple of weeks. The student and the teacher make a plan together based on the student’s strengths to build on them. Below is and example of the student data tracker.

L. Cortez Student Chart Growth _.pptx by Letcia Cortez

My innovation plan is a learning process for myself and the administrators. I have learned that only some things go as planned, and sometimes, I must flow through the whirlwind of unexpected challenges. Letting go of the classroom control and letting students lead was one of my complex tasks. I wanted students to control their learning, so I had to let go and trust the process. Students took control of their knowledge and classroom discussions by explaining procedures and making inferences based on their learning. Working towards a positive mindset has opened my eyes to letting students be in charge of their academics. I am not saying my classroom is all unicorns and rainbows, but I see and notice those small moments that make me proud. I prepare students to be confident, fearless, and lifelong learners to take on real challenges in the technological world.

I share my students’ work with other teachers and administrators, and they are impressed with how they demonstrate their learning. I want my learners to connect to the real world to improve the curriculum. My biggest struggle is finding out why this information is helpful to them. My students could develop 21st-century technological skills to take on challenges in the real world. I felt inspired to make a difference in my classroom, and I owe it to my students to help them increase their reading and technical skills.

I incorporate technology applications where students can create things and share them. Students need practice with these applications and should only introduce one at a time and give them several opportunities to use them. Then add a second application, repeat the same process, then give them options to choose from those two. My students enjoy making videos on Flip and Canva. Canva is preferred because students get to add graphics and words. I also found having a touchscreen device or a computer mouse helpful. With either of these two features, students can navigate the device more easily. To help with these, I requested computer mouses for my students and was denied by the administration, but I was eager to give them what they needed. I did a Donors Choose project and funded eleven wireless mouses for the students. We created a schedule so that all students could have an opportunity to use the computer mouses. As students take ownership of their learning, they are more engaged in their projects and want to learn more. This is a project where students took the opportunity to take control of their learning.

Students using Canva to record their response

If I had a chance to change something about the innovation plan, it would be to allow students more time to be creative and showcase their learning. At the end of each module, the students will have an end-of-unit celebration to demonstrate their learning with peers, parents, teachers, and school stakeholders.

Phase five of my implementation plan is a school-wide initiative to introduce teachers to blended learning. I gained many experiences to influence them. I plan to do professional learning on blended learning with station rotation with the school. This will allow more time to collect data and evidence to show my ultimate goal, increasing student engagement.

Throughout the program, I have learned about ways to increase student engagement. As they know more, students share their new findings with their peers. They are evolving from students in the classroom to leaders in the school and beyond after they leave my classroom.

Innovation Outline


Harapnuik, D., Thibodeaux, T., & Cummings, C. (2018). Cova ebook choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning (Ver. 0.9). Creative Commons License.

Horn, M. B., Staker, H., & Christensen, C. M. (2014). Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools (1st ed.). Jossey-Bass

​Learner’s mindset….. Learners Mindset. (n.d.). Retrieved July 1, 2022, from 

Patterson, K., Grenny, J., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2012). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high. New York: McGraw-Hill.​​

YouTube. (2013). Everyday leadership. YouTube. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from

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