Creating Significant Learning Environment

Currently, schools face many problems; a high number of students dropping out, a teacher shortage, low attendance, and an increase of language learners from different countries, just to name a few. School leaders, students, and the community are frustrated with the ongoing problems. My school is dealing with very similar circumstances. I was getting frustrated with the low engagement in my classroom and my peers’ classes. We were constantly working like a hamster on a wheel. After some research and determination to make a change at my school for the community, I enrolled in the Applied Digital Learning Program at Lamar University with Dr. Harapnuik. I discovered that a new learning style is taking place, and other communities are thriving using Blending Learning. 

Creating Significant Learning Environment CSLE– An integrated approach to creating flexible, engaging and effective learning environments.


To increase student engagement on my campus, I plan to implement Blending Learning to help Creating Significant Learning Environment CSLE. My goal is to create a safe place where all students are engaged regardless of their learning ability. “If we start with a student-centered approach and purposefully assemble all the key components of effective learning into a significant learning environment we can help our students to learn how to learn and grow into the people we all hope they will become” (Harapnuik et al.,2018). In order to create a CSLE I have to help students develop a growth mindset.

Through Blending Learning, I plan on giving students Choice, Ownership, Voice, and an Authentic Learning Experience. This will also allow students to show understanding in their unique way. When students are given choice and ownership over their learning, engagement increases, and passion shows through their work, making it more authentic.

Learning through Play: Imagination, Passion, and Creativity

Successful communities incorporate a new way of learning through play within inquiry, making, and collective. Students can collaborate, make inquiries, make something unique, and move around to different groups in the classroom based on what they are creating. “The teaching-based approach focuses on teaching us about the world, while the new learning culture focuses on learning through engagement within the world” (Thomas & Brown, 2011).

Here is an example of students using inquiry while working collaboratively to construct a boat. The goal was for students to design a boat that would go around the world carrying 60 passengers. Students first researched different boats and how to make a boat out of household materials. Students tested the boat to confirm it would float and then added propellers to make it move. It took several tries to make the boat move, but students achieved their goal with collaboration. In the unsuccessful boat video, one student says it does not work and walks away. Soon after, the others tell him why the boat failed and that they should try something else. When things do not go as planned, we seem to get discouraged or give up, but working as a team, we lift each other with solutions like the students did in the video titled unsuccessful boat. Through activities similar to these students can develop a growth mindset. Once the boat floated and moved around, students added Jolly Ranchers as passengers to check for buoyancy. Students added Jolly Ranchers in increments of 5 to check if the boat could move around the world without sinking or tipping over. All students were eager to participate and took turns trying different ideas. “Inquiry is an effective technique for learning because it produces stockpiles of experiences” (Thomas & Brown, 2011). Allowing students to be passionate about their learning makes them want to know more about it. Students become inquisitive and start asking themselves what-if questions while exploring and connecting to the world around them.

Students collaborate and make inquiries to make their boat float.

The learners’ boat floats successfully with Jolly Ranchers as passengers through collaboration and inquiries.

Students learn best when they are able to follow their passion and operate within the constraints of a bounded environment

Thomas & Brown, 2011
A New Culture of Learning will lead us to innovation.

When students are in a responsive learning environment that encourages inquiry, making, and collective, students learn with passion. They are actively engaged and motivated to learn more.

I look for ways to make learning fun. My district uses Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA), the lessons and activities are scripted, and the unit of studies is taught through content. One of our units in 4th grade is the Middle Ages; to start the unit, we build background knowledge by setting up props from that era. All teachers are encouraged to dress up like someone in the middle ages. By the end of the unit, students can understand the effects of the Middle Ages’ on today’s world. Students can research the context collaboratively and then choose how to present the information learned through a Nearpod, Canva, PowerPoint, or a written response in the first person. This provides the students the opportunity to create within the boundaries.

Here I am dressed like a queen from the Middle Ages and a pirate from Treasure Island.

I enjoy students making connections to the world. I struggled at times, but as I have gained some white hairs of wisdom, I have improved my ways. With Amplify, students enjoy competitive play as they develop their reading skills. Project-based learning, where students have the opportunity to choose their projects and how they present them. Students who are digitally inclined may use technology, while others prefer a diagram or a 3-board panel. Students display their projects in a gallery walk for others to view. The focus is not on how students present their work but on showing what they know. “Play becomes a strategy for embracing change, rather than a way for growing out of it” (Thomas & Brown, 2011).

Amplify Reading is a digital interactive literacy application where students learn and apply skills through the game. The application is also tied to the assessment teachers administer to students to check for fluency and comprehension.

Discussions between students are crucial to keeping engagement and ideas growing. I find ways to show mastery daily. I use a variety of applications, including Flip, where students record their responses and classmates can respond verbally. I always encourage students to write what they will say in the video. I can facilitate the conversations students are having and even join them. Flip is an excellent application for English Language Learners and students with learning disabilities.

Flip, formerly known as Flipgrid

Flip is a technological application where teachers post a question and students reply in a video, and create significant discussions.


Creating Significant Learning Environment will not be an easy task to accomplish, it will take proper implementation, consistency, and an open mind from educators. Although educators want effective change, there will be resistance, but with the Blending Learning Team and the influencer strategy teachers will receive effective Professional Learning. This will not be an overnight change, the process will take time to fully implement a successful CLSE. During the implementation process distractions will occur, with the Four Disciplines of Execution the WIG will be met. To view the organization’s areas of weakness Crucial Conversations in our organization will help understand all sides of CSLE.  People are resistant to change; helping teachers go from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset will also be in place. By modeling my plan in my classroom, others will see student engagement increasing.

Social Emotional Learning

For many students, schools are the only safe place to be, so to make it more inviting, we start the day by sharing our feelings. Students know that it is a safe space for everyone. Students make a pack not to share classmates’ feelings with other students in the school. Students share feelings about relatives passing, home life disappointments to family events they are looking forward to experiencing. I also share my feelings with them, and I am honest. They must know that I am imperfect as well. Together we can make the best of it and accomplish greatness in our classroom.


5- Excited Face 

4- Happy Face

3- Eh Face- not happy or sad, not feeling anything

4- Sad Face

1- Mad, upset, Angry

Each morning, I greet students before they enter the class. Students choose how they want to be welcomed.

 For this organization to be successful, I have created a mission and purpose of what a significant learning environment should be based on the influencer strategy. To support the blended learning team, I will model and collaborate on how to develop a meaningful setting. I plan to give teachers choices on what to implement, allow them to share ideas, and share success stories with others. Teachers will also be provided with effective Professional Learning with follow up to ensure teachers are confident with this new culture of learning. I will encourage teachers to make their SLE unique to their classroom culture because no two classrooms are alike. When teachers are allowed opportunities to be creative, students are inspired to learn creatively.


A few years ago, the teachers and the students at my school were struggling, and I wanted to contribute to leading my campus to success and knew that it would not be an overnight success. Through CSLE+COVA and Blended Learning, I can create a Growth Mindset within my classroom. Schools should allow students to have authentic learning experiences working in collaboration, enabling learners to be innovative. Ideas building on other ideas leads students to connect the dots to see the bigger picture.

Furthermore, where imaginations play, learning happens (Thomas & Brown, 2011). Two essential steps in education are learning first and technology second. Learning technology is not a one-sided approach. As the students learn, the teachers also learn.

Through my implementation plan of blended learning, I look forward to developing a new learning environment and using various methods, including learning through play. I will implement station rotation where students can learn and move around the classroom, learning and collaborating with peers. When we give our students choice, they will produce growth and crave knowledge. We must strive for success. We must make changes to provide students with a robust learning environment.


With CSLE students will be able to stretch their minds to new limits, teachers will not feel overworked, and  English Language Learners and students with disabilities will feel like they belong. All learners need the opportunity to think, collaborate, and have inquiries about their learning. This is the new learning way, where students can enjoy learning in a safe place and get a full understanding of context and ideas.

All components needed for Creating Significant Learning Environment
An outlook on new learning ideas.
Graphic organizer created based on Seth Godin Ted Talk, STOP STEALING DREAMS



A new culture of learning by Doug Thomas & John Seely Brown. A New Culture of Learning by Doug Thomas & John Seely Brown. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2022, from

Bates, T., & here, P. enter your name. (2021, October 19). Do we need a theory for blended learning?: Tony Bates. Tony Bates |. Retrieved September 8, 2022, from 

ClassDismissed. (n.d.). EP. 82: Can you measure​ curiosity and creativity? these mit researchers​ say yes. – class dismissed podcast. SchoolStatus. Retrieved September 8, 2022, from 

Harapnuik, D. (2015, May 8). Creating significant learning environments (CSLE) [Video file]. Retrieved from

Stanborough, R. J. (2019, October 15). Benefits of reading books: For your physical and mental health. Healthline. Retrieved September 8, 2022, from 

Stop stealing dreams: Seth Godin at tedxyouth@bfs. YouTube. (2012, October 16). Retrieved 

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Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A new culture of learning; Cultivating the imagination for a world of constant change. Lexington, KY: Author.

It’s about learning CSLE+ COVA. (n.d.). Retrieved September 9, 2022, from 

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