Usability and Reflection

Module 3

Module 3: Usability and Reflection

In this video, I explain the usability and reflection of my online, blended learning course with station rotation for 4th-grade reading and writing Personal Narratives. Stakeholders, including students take time to provide feedforward to improve the course.

Teacher Reflection and Feedforward

In the following video Ms. Sanchez, a teacher that implements blended learning with station rotations, tells me about the Glows and Growths of my online, blended learning course.

Google form stakeholders filled out on the usability of my online blended learning course.



Bates, A.W. (2019). Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for ​Designing Teaching and Learning.​

Harapnuik. D. (2021). Assessment Of/For/As Learning.​​

Harapnuik. D. (2020). Why I don’t use checklists, progress bars & other activity monitors.​

Harapnuik. D. (2019). Outcome-Based Education vs Competency-Based Education. (83) Outcome based Education vs Competency based Education – YouTube

Harapnuik. D. (2019). LMD EP17 CBE VS OBE.(83) LMD EP17 CBE vs OBE – YouTube

Texas Essential Knowledge and skills for grade 4 – texas education agency. . (n.d.). Retrieved March 5, 2023, from

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