Alternative Professional Learning

Teachers are ready for a change in their organization but resist change due to the administration team’s lack of resources and support. I have created an Alternative Professional Learning Plan to support teachers by implementing the 5 Key Principles of Effective PD

Incorporating the 5 Key Principles of Effective PD


PL will be significant and ongoing to allow teachers to learn a new strategy and grapple with the implementation problem. Teachers will have a calendar of dates for meetings and their purpose. The calendar will be given out each semester and will be ongoing. After every PL teachers will have a Google form survey to inform the Blending Learning team of the needed support.


During this stage, the team will identify specific challenges and address them. Teachers will use research-based strategies for students in their classes. With adequate support, teachers will feel supported.


 Teachers’ initial exposure to a concept should not be passive. Teachers should engage through varied approaches so they can participate actively in making sense of a new practice.


Modeling is highly effective in helping teachers understand a new practice. Expert teachers, curriculum coaches, or Blending Learning Coach will model new practices for teachers in PL and in class. 

Specific Content

Teachers will receive PL specific to their needs, student needs, and content. Teachers in an effective PL tailored to their needs are more engaged and make connections.

Foster Collaboration

To foster collaboration, teachers will access all resources in the teacher HUB and request additional support from curriculum coaches or Blending Learning Leader. Teachers will be able to observe each other and provide feedforward with Glows and Growth.

Who will Lead?

Teachers will identify their areas of strength and interests and will become experts in that area. The experts will be the go-to person for their area of strength and model and help other teachers implement that strategy or technological application. Blending Learning Leader, Curriculum coaches, and administration will help guide teachers along the way. 

Audience and Needs

Fourth-grade reading teachers will have resources and effective PL designed to their needs. The curriculum coach will guide teachers needing to implement Blending Learning activities to ensure mastery and rigor of the tasks. Teachers needing help with technology will receive that additional help with effective PD. Teacher experts will be available for help upon request. 

3 Column Table and BHAG


PL Outline


By executing the 5 Key Principles of Effective PD, the influencer strategy and the 4DX in unison with teachers’ specific needs, teachers will be confident in facilitating learning in their classroom. Resistance to change will have additional support from the Blending Learning team. With the help of a Growth Mindset and Crucial Conversations, they will also have the confidence to see change. The PL outline will guide the organization step by step to success.



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Fink, L.D. (2003) A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. San Francisco: Jossey-          Bass. (2021, August). ADL program map. It’s About Learning. 

Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Center for Public Education. Retrieved from 

 Harapnuik Dwayne.  April 1, 2020. It’s About Learning. Creating Significant Learning Environments

Search Results For blended learning | 64 Results | It’s About Learning (

Home. lead4ward. (2022, August 25). Retrieved September 25, 2022, from 

Jim Collins – concepts – BHAG. (2021). JIM COLLINS. (2021). ADL/EDLD 5305 goal & 3 column table. It’s About Learning. 

Many, T. W., & Sparks-Many, S. K, (2015). Leverage: Using PLCs to promote lasting improvement in schools. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press
Texas Essential Knowledge and skills for grade 4 – texas education agency. TEA Texas. (n.d.). Retrieved September 26, 2022, from

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