My overall plan is to pilot a blended learning model, including station rotations. Blended learning would allow students to learn at their own pace and involve differentiation in lessons. Students will have the opportunity to learn through face-to-face teacher instruction, student-led instruction, online learning, and peer collaboration. I have done research that shows students are more engaged with blended learning, and it helps increase their knowledge overall. 

I would not need any resources for technology since my classroom is equipped with Chromebooks to begin this model. This online resource I will be using will be accessible to students when they are in class and at home. These resources will be created and tailored to a specific area of need. 

Phase 1:  Preparation : 

Present – May 2022 

1. Plan and brainstorm: March 2022

  1. What challenges do our campus face? 
  2.  Blended learning with station rotations. 

2. Proposal letter, Innovation plan: April 2022: 

3. Who will be involved? 

  1. Administrators & Educators : 

analyzing data and district goals. 

Materials for blended learning. 

  1. Students – Choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authentic Learning / Introduce blended learning with rotations. 
  2. Parents- Inform parents of Blended learning and how this can strengthen their understanding at school and at home. 

Phase 2:  Gather Resources: 

May 2022-August 2022

May 2022- July 2022 

  • Part A: will consist of training using websites and applications. 
  •  Determine the most important concepts students need to learn to close educational gaps.

August 2022-September 2022 

  • Part B:   Time will be spent evaluating content and where online learning will be beneficial. 
  • Monitor and Adjust time for rotation stations. 

Data Analysis: 

  • Review data for the year to identify the learning gaps.
  • Work with teachers and administrators to look at color band data.

Student Data Tracker: 

  • Excel sheet -To show student progress for every student. 
  • The data tracker will be updated every three weeks with the progress of grades and reflections. 

Online Learning Resources: 

  • Through google applications such as google classroom etc.
  • Troubleshooting link to questions about logging in from home. 

Lesson Plans: 

  • Blended learning, including Texas Essentials Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for station rotations.

Phase 3: Pilot Blended Learning: 

September 2022-December 2022 

  1. Blended Learning – Introduce weekly skills to students
  2.  Students set expectations.
  3. Students set SMART goals in a student journal. 

Phase 4: Feedback and Adjustments: 

January 2023- May 2023

  1. Students analyze their learning every three weeks by checking if Students met their goals. 
  2. If goals are met student sets a new purpose. If the the goal is not met student and teacher will revisit the SMART goal and make a plan for the next three weeks. 
  3. Students will be given a survey regarding blended learning and give the teacher suggestions on what could be improved,  what activities engaged them most, and what lessons they would like more of. 
  4. Review results and implement change as needed

Phase 5: School-Wide Initiative : 

July 2023 – May 2024

    1. Offer training sessions in July-August which will be led during Professional Development with teachers interested in using blended learning in their classroom. 

                  a) Explain the benefits of blended learning in the classroom.

                  b) Present student data to parents and teachers regarding the previous year.

                  c) Indicate results showing the increased level of student learning. 

      d) provide praise and motivation to staff to encourage blended learning. 

    2. Set up monthly meetings to meet with staff to discuss any struggles and positive examples of student learning in the classroom

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