Synthesis of Digital Learning and Leadership

COVA Reflection and Application

I had the opportunity to reflect on all the gains during the implementing my innovation plan.

Innovation Project Update

Reflecting on my innovation plan, I realized that my learners have accomplished a lot in the past few weeks.

Applied Digital Learning Journey Synthesis

Connecting the dots to connect all components together to increase engagement in school in the hopes that students can make inferences about the world around them.

Contribution to my learning

To accomplish great things, we must work together and bring our ideas together to create something innovated.

Applied Digital Learning Program

EDLD 5305: Disruptive Innovation in Education

– Innovation Proposal Letter

– Literature Review on Blended Learning with Station Rotation

-Implementation Outline

-Annotated Bibliography


EDLD 5303: Applying Educational Technology Portfolio

-Collaboration Page


EDLD 5302: Concepts of Educational Technology

-Growth Mindset

-Learning Manifesto


EDLD 5304: Leading Organization Change

-The Why, The How, and The What

-Influencer Strategy

-The Four Disciplines of Execution

-Self-Differentiated Leadership and Bringing Organizational Change through Crucial Conversations


EDLD 5313: Creating Significant Learning Environments

-Creating Significant Learning Environments (CSLE)

-My Learning Philosophy

-Aligning Outcomes, Activities, and Assessments

-Understanding by Design

-Growth Mindset Plan


EDLD 5389: Developing Effective Professional Learning

-Professional Learning

-Alternative Professional Learning


EDLD 5317: Resources for Digital Environment

-Publication Outline

-Publication Rough Draft

-Media Project

-Final Publication

-Blog and Contribution to my Learning

EDLD 5315: Assessing Digital Environment

-Action Research Design Outline

-Literature Review


EDLD 5318: Instructional Design on Online

-Module 1: Instructional Design

-Module 2: Implementation

-Module 3: Usability and Reflection

EDLD 5320: Synthesis of Digital Learning Leadership- Capstone

-COVA Reflection and Application

-Innovation Project Update

-Applied Digital Learning Journal Synthesis

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