
When I first heard that we needed to join a learning community, I got into a fixed mindset for about a minute. I was thinking about how tedious that would be, especially right now, doing the summer. Then I started thinking about what a learning community is and thought maybe I am already in a few.

At the start of the quarantine, teachers were scrambling to gather resources and make video lessons for their students. At the time, I was teaching 4th grade Science in Spanish. Although there are many resources for Elementary Science, not so many of them are in Spanish. I suggested to the Science district coach that we start a community specifically for Science in Spanish or Ciencia en español. In this community, teachers could join and contribute to translating, gathering, and creating resources, lessons, activities, and other digital Spanish assessments for our district English Language Learners assessments in Spanish for our English Language Learners in the district.

Another learning community I have been a part of is the TCCA, Technology & Curriculum Conference of Aldine, which has been happening for over ten years in Aldine, Texas. At this event, there are many educational resources and organizations for educators, and it is a free conference that anyone can join; you can pre-register at the following link. TCCA Register

I am also a participant of REMSL, Rice Elementary Model STEM Lab, at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Teachers all over Houston and the surrounding areas come to be part of this learning community. Teachers and Science coaches share ideas, lessons, and resources to make science engaging. If you work in Houston or the surrounding areas and are not a part of this organization, I highly recommend you join. REMSL provides teachers with tools that will help teachers in the classroom to be more innovative. They provide classes on using these tools effectively and let teachers brainstorm ideas.

I look forward to joining more learning communities in the future. I am hunting for a blending learning community in Houston, Texas. I am ready to share the information I have learned during these courses and, most of all, to share my e-portfolio with others. If I do not find a blended learning community, I hope to build one through my E-portfolio. I have already started sharing my innovation plan with educators in my organization. I enjoy speaking about everything I have learned in the ADL program.