The Four Disciplines of Execution

As an English language learner, visuals and examples help me learn new things. Dr. Harapnuik uses many examples to help us connect the dots to real life. After all, we have real-life careers, and our real-life organization depends on us.

Understanding the Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX model) can be used in both settings, professionally and personally. 

We are constantly setting goals in our lives and aren’t always successful. Here is my explanation of the 4DX model. What I learned is that the LAG is the result. The lead is controlled by what you implement. For example, your lead can be the plan you implement. Examples of methods include blended learning in the classroom to increase student engagement or eating clean for six weeks to see body results. The results of those actions are considered the LAG. The whirlwind is the everyday hustle and bustle that comes with the job; it acts on you. An example of the whirlwind in blended learning is there might be a teacher shortage, so you have to accomate for more students in your classroom, or your meal prepped and your co-workers convenience you to go out for lunch. The Wildly Important Goal (WIG) is the goal that is important to you and wants to achieve. You may have more than one goal, but you should concentrate on only 1-2 goals simultaneously to be effective. Keeping a compelling scoreboard while working towards your WIG is vital to keeping track of your progress. The scoreboard should be simple, easy, show lead and lag measures, and show who is winning.