Change your Presentation

Have you ever thought how mediocre ideas make it through? For the most part they made it through because the person presenting had a really good presentation in a form of a story.

My story is that I want to know and grow and show others so that they can grow to achieve their goals. Realizing that my story needs more details is a good start for my audience at the moment. Developing my story is hard for me because I do not know where to start or how to start. I know that it must be my story and it must hit softly in people’s hearts. You can have the greatest idea in the world, but if the presentation execution is not on point, people will not join your cause. Mediocre ideas with a great story and presentation that hits you right in the heart and just keeps throbbing all throughout are the ones that people remember and take with them. Those ideas are the ones that are supported. This takes me back to something that I learned a few years ago, it is not the programs that make people successful it is the people in the programs that make people successful. Nancy Duarte gives us Five Simple rules for Creating World Changing Presentations:

1. Treat your audience like royalty

2. Spread ideas and Move People

3. Help them see what you are saying by providing visuals and limiting the text 4. Practice design not a decoration in your presentation and

5. Cultivate healthy relationships by making good eye contact with your audience.

You must practice your story before you give it out and over time your speech will become greater and you will be able to pull on those heartstrings. 


Stanford Graduate School of Business. (2013, February 19). Nancy Duarte: How to Create Better Visual Presentations [Video]. YouTube. 

TEDxEast – Nancy Duarte uncovers common structure of greatest communicators 11/11/2010. (2010, December 10). [Video]. YouTube.

Simon Sinek – How to present properly(Part 5). (2018, January 10). [Video]. YouTube.