Learning Revolution

Human resources are like natural resources. They are often buried deep… you have to create the circumstance where they show themselves.<< This sentence resonates with me because I know that natural resources need to be used wisely and taken care of because they can become depleted. Humans’ talent is significant; skill can die or never be seen if not nurtured. In “Bring on the Learning Revolution, ” Sir Ken Robinson says,”…. we need a revolution not an evolution in Education…” this is how I translated his word in my head. Evolution happens independently, and revolution is a change for which people go to war. Educators that want to bring about change are currently conquering one battle at a time and recruiting others along the way. I have joined the army for disruptive innovation in education and to get others to join the mission. There are many blended learning models that schools have implemented but have modified a few things to meet their needs. When schools make the change, things are not set in stone, and as they go along, they must adapt to what best fits their organization. As educators, we hold students’ futures and dreams in our hands, and if we do not make a change now, their dreams can become trampled. 

The question is, will you join the educational revolution to make students’ dreams into reality?


Bring on the learning revolution! | Sir Ken Robinson. (2010, May 24). YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9LelXa3U_I&t=988s