Feedback Vs Feedward

Feedback means the evaluation of a person’s task. People usually look back at what they did wrong and what they could have done differently to improve it. Can you go back to change it? You can’t, so why is feedback constantly provided to everyone? It is provided because it has been done for so many years. It is in the name feedback to feed what is in the back, but we need to be moving forward. Our minds are set on feedback and how we could have, should have, and would have done differently.

Feedforward means to move forward; one can use it to build on or improve in the future. It is how the receiver interprets the information, and the possibilities can be endless. Feedforward helps growth mindset because we start thinking about the future and how we can improve on it.

Imagine the capabilities and creativity one can achieve if teachers, students, and other people use feedforward more often. Feeding off each others’ successes and inspiring each other can build trust and creativity.