I am not an innovator

I am currently not an innovative educator, and my students work for a grade. I do try to connect their learning to the real world but do not allow them to learn how they will use this in the real world. I want to change this because I want my students to experience authentic learning. Experiences that will help them grow as learners in their community. In “Are you an Innovative Educator? Here’s How to find out,” Lisa Nielson gives examples of what an innovative teacher would do. Honestly, I would not do any of those things. Hopefully, I can start making changes in my classroom so that the students can benefit from this. 

According to the video “Communication a Vision for Change” by John Kotter, under communication can be fatal. He suggests that communicating with people and different formats will help because you will be able to reach more people. When it comes time to share a mass message to many people, this will be easier if the communicator has already hast set communication.