Why have an eportfolio?

There is an abundance of reasons why one should have an e-portfolio. As one is creating an e-portfolio they start learning who they are and where they want to go with it. There is no right way or wrong way to create an e-portfolio, but if you do want a push towards starting your e-portfolio, you must know that the e-portfolio is yours and it is all about what you want it to be. One can showcase what they know, how they learned it, and even the process of learning how to do a certain thing. It is the journey of your learning process. 

Eportfolios also give you a platform to collaborate with others in your field, people who may have similar interests or advocate the same ideas or opinions as you. Collaborations with others can help one reflect and grow. You may not want to have the same e-portfolio as someone, but having links in each other’s e-portfolios is useful so that others can see that you collaborate.