Getting the most use out of Technology

Change is essential because of the challenges students face, and we must meet their needs. To change our educational system, we must know the disruptions/challenges we face and find a solution for them. Disruptive innovation is a challenge that makes us grow and see the possibilities we can all achieve in our way. I refer to students and educators of all levels when I say us. Students aren’t the only ones learning and owning their goals, so are teachers, administrators, support staff, and the community. Disruptive innovation is here now; whether we want it, it is more visible in some areas than others and can change the students’ mindsets. Blended learning is not about technology but education, but to make the change, we need to train teachers and students on how to use technology appropriately. For example, if someone buys a Fitbit or an Apple watch to know the time and does not use the other features, then the technology is not being used to its full potential. As the years have progressed, technology has improved. The student to computer ratio is at 1:1, but if students only use the computer at school and not at home, or do not know how to sign in, send an email, or how use an online database to research, the technology is not being used to its full potential. Smartwatches help us set personal goals that we want to achieve, whether to hit our daily/weekly footsteps, close cardio circles or keep our heart rates at a certain number. We use this technology to own our goals and achieve what we want, how we will do it, and how far we can go. With blended learning, students can also track their progress and take ownership of their education. 

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  1. Larisa Castillo

    “Getting the most use of our technology” truly resonates with me. I whole-heartedly agree that educators are at different levels. I know that one of my challenges is the use of technology. We can no longer have the mindset of “when I was in the classroom” we were fine just using pencil and paper. Technology has evolved and so does our way of teaching. Therefore, our knowledge and integration of technology must change as well.

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