Choice, Ownership and Voice through Authentic Learning

I like many things about the COVA book, but the two main reasons I enjoyed the book are 1. That Dr. Harapnuik gives real-life examples and uses his family 2. He shares his knowledge with us. Now I see things differently and looking forward to implementing COVA in my classroom.

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  1. Larisa Castillo

    Your blog was precise and concise. Building relationships with our students is essential in bridging the school-home connection. Sharing about one’s own family gives students that in-depth look into their teacher. They feel they know them on a personal level. And we know that if students like their teachers, they will work harder to please that teacher, thus engaging them in their learning. Learning through real-world examples gives meaning to the why of our learning and students start to make meaning through authentic learning. They internalize that knowledge!

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